
Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Clean Break

Wow! I can’t believe that the two week break from school is just about over. I did absolutely nothing; didn’t go anywhere, and didn’t see anybody. I really wanted to start my spring cleaning. I know it’s too early, however, if I don’t start now, spring will come and go and I will not have re-arranged anything. Re-arranging, that’s really what spring cleaning is all about; hiding things from past seasons, and taking things out and putting things back. How the re-arranging is done:
  •  Take down winter drapes and put up spring curtains.
  • Swap heavy dark sheets and quilts for lighter and brighter sheets and quilts.
  • Take coats and sweaters to cleaners, to be picked up in September (more like late October).
  • Take all spring and summer clothes out of space bags and put in fall and winter clothing.
  • Remove sandals and shoes from boxes and bins and replace with boots.
  • Empty sock draw of tights and thermal underwear, put them in a plastic baggie and throw in closet-somewhere. 
  • Change bedside lamp shade from a darker color to a brighter color (yeah, I do that) and throw in closet-somewhere.

Okay, so I really can’t do any of the above until at least spring is in the air, however, I can do the following taking things out and putting things away, how it’s done:
  •   Remove all food items from the pantry, wipe shelves clean, check date on food items, and replace, with soon-to-be expired items towards the front of shelf.
  • Empty cabinets of dishes, pots & pans, and silverware; stuff as much as can be tolerated into dishwasher. Wipe cabinets clean, replace cleansed dishes and trash what now doesn’t fit neatly in cabinets (trust me, this always happens).
  • Remove every item from cabinet under kitchen sink (even the brandy), throw EVERYTHING away (not the brandy), because you haven't seen or used any of those items at all this year.
  • Empty linen closet, match towels with wash cloths/rags and hand towels and roll into a ball. Roll fitted sheets into pillowcases with the draw sheets. Trash any towel, wash rag, hand towel, pillow case, draw sheet or fitted sheet that does not match (trust me, this happens all the time too; and I wonder where in the world is Carmen San Diego with the rest of my stuff). Wipe shelves clean and replace rolled towels and bedding.
  • Empty medicine cabinet; clean shelf and place sticky note on mirror to remind yourself to take the rest of your prescribed medications (antibiotics, sleep aids, laxatives, etc.) Wipe shelves clean and trash all cold remedies (children are grown and gone, besides there's brandy under kitchen sink).
  • Trash all pens, pencils, and envelopes on desk (trust me, on your next visit to Staples to buy ink for the printer, you won’t be able to pass up those cute pens) Wipe desk clean and trash all loose paper!
  • VERY IMPORTANT! Trash all unpaid bills, if still sealed in envelope, don’t bother to open. Opening means reading, reading causes anxiety and depression. Put bills in heavy plastic bag, fill bag with used kitty litter and pass off to sanitation man. (Don’t kid yourself; you weren’t going to pay them anyway, this year or next).
  • Lastly, spray oven with oven cleaner, leave on for 48 hours (I know instructions state to leave on over night, but it’s always easier the second day) and wipe clean.

Whew! I’m exhausted just from writing these instructions out. Come our next break in March, I should have at least the latter instructions done. (Yeah, I’m snickering too).

1 comment:

  1. Funny, thanks for the instructions. Now, I know what to do next time. :0)
